
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Notes From All Over -- Masking And Covid-19 -- Fighters At Portland, Oregon -- August 11, 2021

Portland, Oregon, Air National Guard: F-15C's launching today, but also a couple of F-35's. Same organization scheduled to receive F-15EX's in 2023. 

The USAF intends to acquire 144 F-15EXs from Boeing. The 142ndWing at Portland will become the first operational unit to fly the aircraft, while the 173rd Fighter Wing is expected to serve as the F-15EX formal training unit in 2024. Link here.

Jobs: I remember how difficult it was to find a summer job before heading off to college in the late 60's / early 70's. Not true today. I'm sure any enterprising teenager could actually land two jobs. Link at The WSJ. And, here, "job openings continue to explode."

Tokyo Olympics: "everyone" is now reporting this but when it's a front page story in The WSJ, it's a thing. Breitbart probably summarizes it best:  

Apple, Inc: moving to 3nm pretty quickly. Definition of "3nm" is changing. 

Elon Musk: launching UND EERC satellite oil field monitoring sensors. Link here. If link breaks, google North Dakota iPipe initiative to monitor pipeline link.

Pore space: Bakken "pore space" becoming an issue in the Bakken. Link here.

CO2 emissions: all-time record at Martha's Vineyard Airport over past weekend where elite celebrated President Obama's birthday bash. Link here

Crude oil in US: supply has jumped from 27.2 days to 27.5 days for the last week in July, 2021. Link here. 

India: gasoline demand has surpassed pre-Covid-19 levels, July, 2021. Link here.

South Korea: price differential favors US crude over Saudi Arabian crude in 2H21 amid rising Aramco prices. Link here.

China: crude oil inventories dropping. Short term, imports may have dropped due to slowing economic activity but long term, the tea leaves suggest there is going to be a significant supply/demand mismatch. If so, my hunch is that the mismatch won't last long. At $65-WTI, everyone wins.


  • cycle time for putting wells online has improved by 50 percent;
  • completed well costs have dropped by 30 percent;
  • key CLR metrics being reported by The Williston Herald over at twitter

US ten-year treasury yield at three-year high: 1.336% reported at 1:48 a.m. August 10, 2021.

Nissan: Tennessee plant to close for two weeks due to chip shortage. 

Steel: US hot-rolled coil spot prices hitting all-time highs. I suppose that could be an indication of the health of the US economy.


  • CDC greatly exaggerates daily Covid-19 rate in Florida; most of us doubt it was an "innocent mistake"; when one sees an outlier number like that, most "scientists" take another look before reporting it. Florida CDC data here;
  • one wonders what other "innocent mistakes" have been made? 
  • best video today -- the insanity and hypocrisy -- link here.

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