
Sunday, August 22, 2021

Covid-19 Update -- August 22, 2021

Link here.

World data: 

Tell me again the purpose of the full year Fauci lockdown.

The graphs for the US and most of the states look practically identical. Some states are much worse, e.g., Louisiana and Tennessee regarding the most recent wave. 

Israel's third wave is as bad as, or worse, than any other country, with exceptions of course, and they are perhaps the most vaccinated country in the world.

In the US, Oregon is one of the most vaccinated states and its current wave is one of the worst in the states right now.

South Dakota: yawn

From A Reader

A reader who tracks this more closely than I do and maybe even understands it better than I do now that we've had a year's worth of data to review:

Well, Israel is supposedly the most vaccinated country in the world - and 85 % of their hospitalized COVID patients are double shotted, or triple shotted.

Most COVID-19 Patients at Israel Hospital Fully Vaccinated, Doctor Calls Mandates ‘Diabolic’ - Vision Times

So, I think of the Israelis are quite a focused nation - and the vaccine isn't working well there.  This does not surprise me.  
As a matter of fact, I tried to get folks to bet with me early on.  I maintained that our vaccines wouldn't be any more effective than the normal flu vaccines - and in the last 10 years the flu vaccine has been less than 50 % effective on average, and in one year didn't break 20%.  Not only that, the trend is a downward slope.  The last 6 years averaged 35% effectiveness.  A coin flip has better odds than all but 3 years!   Oh, nobody would bet.  They all said this was different, focused research, specific development, yada yada.  
But, talk's cheap... if they won't bet = ha!  I heard all about how our normal flu vaccine had to be developed in advance, predicting what the strain would be, yada yada.  Of course, I knew that.  My point was did they think this virus would just hang around and not mutate?  Oy vey.  Oh, this was going to be 90% effective, and we were going to wear masks, and we were going to sanitize our hands, and we were going to have one-way traffic in grocery stores, and we weren't going in grocery stores - they were bringing the groceries to the car, yada yada.

That chart is straignt from the CDC.

I think I mentioned that I have friends who thought they went into hard lockdown.  They aged their mail overnight in the garage before bringing it in - and I think it was Lysoled in the interim.  She ordered her groceries online, and I think there was Lysol involved before they were brought in....I believe they cut each other's hair.  She and I had lunch early this summer - hadn't seen her in over a year.  She selected a restaurant with patio dining.... But, in the middle of their draconian measures, she went in to have her face lift retouched.  (;>)

So, everybody's definition of lockdown was different.

During the Spanish flu, Grand Junction managed to avoid any flu deaths.  People patrolled the town perimeter - armed people.  No one came in.  Nothing came in.  Now, that's a lockdown.  

Back to the Israeli numbers - can the USA numbers be that different?  Or is it just a difference in measurement/reporting here.  We're sure being led to believe a different story.

Of course, New Mexico has locked down everything except our southern border.  If folks from Sandia Labs (weapons research - huge employer) went out of state, they had to quarantine when they came back.  But, that border has been wide open since the day Biden arrived.


India has double vaxxed fewer than 8 percent of its population.  And we're still accepting international travelers - even when they come in on a scheduled aircraft - not to mention all the weary "pilgrims" that stream in thru Mexico.
By the way, years before Covid-19, I mentioned many times on the blog the ineffectiveness of the "seasonal" flu vaccine, and why I stopped taking that vaccine after I retired from the military. I've never had the seasonal flu. Knock on wood. 

The only place I like to talk about double-shotted, or triple-shotted is in the local bar. And, oh, by the way, in England, double-jabbed, triple-jabbed. In Wales: seriwmwicww-wekrjk and seemreimiesw-wekrjk.

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