
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Covid-19 -- August 4, 2021

Cases and deaths, link here

Louisiana: link here -- deaths are starting to follow cases. Link here. 

Covid-19 and a Family Reunion

I am currently enjoying a family reunion with 28 extended family members of which 20 are adults, three are teenagers, and the rest (5) between the ages of 18 months and twelve years.

Politically, they range from Pelosi-Democrats to Trump-QAnon acolytes.

When it comes around to Covid-19 the discussion immediately begins with "the vaccine."

Wrong place to begin a discussion among fifteen adults who exist across the entire political spectrum and have the same spread of science background.

We've pretty much come to "we agree to disagree."

I think a discussion that begins with "the vaccine" is the wrong place to begin on a subject that is more "religious" in nature than scientific.

If we "agree to disagree," we need to find out at "what level" we agree.

This is the way it works. We try to find the most "basic" question, start there and work forward. We do not move forward if we don't have 100% agreement.

Most basic question with that in mind:
Is there, in fact, an infectious disease out there, currently of US or global concern that is caused by a novel coronavirus? 
If we don't have 100% agreement on the answer to that question, we do not move on.

If we all agree there is such an infectious disease, the next question that requires one hundred percent agreement if we are to move on: 
Is the infectious disease serious enough that intelligent life forms in the US or globally need to address?
If even one person answers "no" to that question, then it is moot to move to the next question or ever get to the question of "the vaccine" -- again, we have agreed to disagree. So, at what point, do intelligent life forms disagree?
There are some in the group that argue that this infectious disease is not serious enough requiring intelligent life forms to address.
And, so the discussion ends. We now know that we disagree whether this infectious disease is even serious enough to address. 
That was easy. 
It is "fun" / interesting to move to the next question if all agree that, for the sake of argument, the disease is serious enough to address. The "serious enough to address" has not been defined. 

But we will leave that for another day.

Word Of The Day 


Example: Dr Fauci.

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