
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

California Fires And CO2 -- FWIW -- August 4, 2021

When wood burns, doesn't it release CO2? Asking for a friend.

Those forest fires in Canada, Californa, are they releasing CO2? Asking for a friend.

Link here. This was from last year, September 18, 2020.

  • This year’s (2020) fires in California have already burned through 1.4 million hectares (3.4 million acres) of land, and the fire season isn’t set to end for at least a couple of months.
  • The fires have already generated more than 91 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, which is about 25% more than the California’s annual emissions from fossil fuels.
  • Higher carbon emissions contribute to a multipart climate feedback, accelerating climate change which then sets the stage for more fires that will emit an increasing amount of carbon dioxide, experts say.

California is burning with a ferocity never seen before in the Golden State. So far this year, fires have burned through more than 1.4 million hectares (3.4 million acres) of land — about half the size of Belgium — according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. What’s more, it’s only mid-September, and the region’s normal fire season usually lasts until somewhere in November.

Along with the flames comes a rapid rise in carbon dioxide emissions, which, in turn, will accelerate climate change events that are fueling the current fires, experts say.

Ah, yes, the experts.




  2. CO More indicative of fires,30.40,858


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