
Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Talking Their Book -- I Don't Believe Either One Of Them -- July 20, 2021

Talking their book; I don't believe either of them: Riyadh and Moscow claim biggest wins from OPEC+ deal. Yeah. After the deal, oil plummets 7% -- one of the biggest one-day drops in the price of oil. Ever.  The link is to a Rigzone article. 

  • the real winner: UAE. China. Possibly US consumers. 
  • yet to be seen: how Iraq, China, and Iran see this deal.

You know, as bad as the news seems to be in some arenas: we can all be thankful --

  • Germany did not prevail in WWII;
  • the Vietnam war finally ended: US casualties -- 58,220 (link here)
  • number of Americans directly affected by each single death: 582,200;
  • we did not wake up to "another 9-11" today
  • the Bezos launch and recovery went absolutely perfectly
  • a meteorite did not wipe out humanity overnight 

Europe: many of us can also be thankful we don't live in Europe today where the cost / price of European power has "jumped." With gas, coal and CO2 prices rising and a heat wave boosting demand, electricity in Spain will today cost €101.8 per MWH, second highest ever. Germany, France, and UK to face unusually high prices, also. -- Javier Blas -- Twitter.  Link here.

CO2: a reader sent me this tweet -- has anyone calculated how much CO2 that the Jeff Bezos rocket just emitted for a two-minute billionaire joyride? How many Ford F-150s would have to drive how far to equal the same CO2 output? My reply:

Some CO2 is different than other CO2. CO2 from Texas is perfectly acceptable.

California, not so much.


Hypocritical: already I'm seeing re-tweet replies "suggesting" that "Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket is fairly clean compared to other launch vehicles." LOL From livescience. Livescience is missing the point. It's not that the New Shepard rocket is "...fairly clean compared to...." it's the fact that this was seen by many as a joyride for elite billionaires. They've test flying this rocket since 2012, I was told. Fact-check, please. 

Fairly cleaned compared to ...: from the same folks who tell us that the Portland, OR, protests are "for the most part, peaceful" and to the Ford Theater manager said that except for one short interruption, the play, for the most part, was successful and uneventful (April 14, 1865). 

Toyota bails: pulls all ads previously planned for the Tokyo 202One Olympics. NBC is going to take a bath. Link here. My hunch: CNBC won't be reporting the business side of the de-Olympics. Defund the Olympics? 

And with that I need to go swimming.

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