
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Notes From All Over -- The Mid-Day Edition, Part 3 -- June 16, 2021

Biden's suspension of new oil and gas leases on US land and water: federal judge says "no." This is an old story -- now twenty-four hours old -- I was late posting it simply because Sophia and I were enjoying the pool. Links easily found; one link here

Wall Street: workers want to move from NYC to Florida, maybe Texas. Links and stories everywhere. Here's one link: Not a bit surprising.

EV and "green" infrastructure: can we get to net zero without copper? Link here

When I was in middle school / early high school, those little electric slot/race cars were all the rage. There was even a huge race track north of Williston, near the outdoor movie theater. I remember kids (mostly XY humans) taking their cars apart and re-wiring their little electric motors: wiring them tighter and adding more copper, to make their little cars go faster. From, $133.34. Over at, only "used sets" available for $98.90.

It's now the same with EVs, but bigger toys for bigger boys, or bigger X cars for XY humans.

How much copper in those big toys for big boys?  

Remember the Anaconda Copper Mine in Montana? Yeah, that mine.

The EV Boom Coming Sooner Than Expected

Link here

EV sales to surpass those of traditional vehicles by 2033:

  • Europe: by 2028
  • China: by 2033
  • US: by 2036

non-EV sales could plummet to as low as 1 percent of total vehicle sales by 2045
Very little mention of infrastructure.

No mention of copper.

No mention of rare earth metals.

No mention of strip mining.

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