
Sunday, June 6, 2021

Grand Slam -- Four In A Row -- June 6, 2021

Grand Slam: four in a row. blast hits steel plant in Iran. See this post for the turkey. This is better than a ransomware hack -- we get live fireworks.

Great irony: While Americans were greatly concerned about GMO (incredibly safe), Fauci's alphabet agency and the CDC were funding gain-of-function research (incredibly dangerous) in China.

NASCAR: if you want to encourage folks to quit watching NASCAR races, "schedule" eight long commercials back-to-back with only ten laps to go. This is simply unbelievable. Less than ten laps to go and getting most, most interesting, and FS1 runs eight-plus long commercials. Fortunately it's a road course and eight commercials can "fit into" one lap. LOL. But not happy. 

Covid-19 vaccines: the PGA competitors are not getting their vaccinations. Neither are the US Marines. I'm not impressed.

Sophia With New Haircut

I haven't been to a barber since last February, 2020. Sophia has given me all my haircuts. 


  1. I got my hair cut every two weeks. In a bluer state than TX. And including the razor cut on the back. I even blew off the mask rule for a couple months before my VN barberess talked me into it (she had gotten fined).

    God, get so sick of the old farts that are scared of Covid. Kill a commie for Christ. Roll that F-4 into Haiphong Harbor.

    1. Agree with you 1000%. I’ll write more later. I’m in such a bad mood I can’t think straight. Your note cheered me up but compounding everything else, I don’t have wi-fi and need to use my iPhone as a hot spot. Thank you for your great note.

    2. I'm doing better now. I've calmed down. This is all it took:


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