
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

And So It Goes -- June 16, 2021

I'm living in north Texas through some of this hot weather and we're doing just fine. In the big scheme of things, this is a minor irritation at best.

Autonomous Cars

On the way to the swimming pool tonight, Sophia told me -- she brought this up on her own; I have no idea what precipitated the conversation -- Sophia told me there were cars in Montana that you could program to drive to the nearest pizza "place" and pick up a pizza. You just "honked on the horn" and the car drove you there. You “didn't have to do a thing,” she said. 

I asked her if it was a Tesla. She said, "No it was a Volkswagen." 

I asked her how she knew these things. She said she saw it on an advertisement on YouTube. 

She said "they" must want you to buy one.


  1. Hate to argue with the kid, she is right on some many things. Unless there is proof, I highly doubt any delivery service is automated in Montana.
    Might remind her that driveways in the Big Sky can be a 1/4 long. Need full battery charge just for that.
    And then there us the snow...

    1. LOL. You are so correct.

      I have so much fun with Sophia. I try to respond with open-ended comments to see what she will say next. It must just be amazing how six-year-olds see the world through their YouTube lenses.

      She will soon be seven years old.


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