
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Soybeans -- May 11, 2021

Re-posting: this story from businesswire:

ADM today announced its plan to build North Dakota’s first-ever dedicated soybean crushing plant and refinery to meet fast-growing demand from food, feed, industrial and biofuel customers, including producers of renewable diesel. 
Based in Spiritwood, ND, the approximately $350 million crush and refining complex will feature state-of-the-art automation technology and have the capacity to process 150,000 bushels of soybeans per day. 
Strategically located in a major soybean producing area, ADM’s global logistics network will enable the facility to access both domestic and global markets for soybean oil and meal. The facility is expected to be complete prior to the 2023 harvest.

Now this, from social media: "Beans in the (even higher) teens .. now the costliest since 2012 at $16+ a bushel."

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