
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Notes From All Over -- May 13, 2021

Disney: subscribers -- number didn't come in as good as forecast. Oh-oh.  Hulu beat on "subs." I am blown away by Hulu. It would be hard for me to find a single "streaming network" better than Hulu.

Merger: S&P Global and IHS Markit to merge. 

SRE: holy mackerel. This $124-stock is up over 2% today; up almost $3.00 / share; trading at $138.06. Pays a dividend, too, I believe.  

AAPL: I still feel strongly this company did its shareholders no favors when it did not pay a special dividend. A friend told me to write that. As if share buybacks made any difference to the average mom-and-pop retail investor.

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site.  Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here

Gasoline: average price now $3.01 / gallon. The price may pull back slightly but will head north again if Memorial Day is a busy one. -- GasBuddy's Patrick De Haan. 

Pullback: was that it? A two-day window to buy on the dip. Sell in May. Go away? Bear trap? Head fake? CNBC:

  • yesterday: higher costs, wage inflation, end of stimulus, disappointing jobs report, market collapses;
  • today: higher costs, wage inflation, end of stimulus, disappointing jobs report, market has stunning reversal;

WTI: plummeting now that the Colonial Pipeline is getting back to normal. Yes, I know, doesn't make sense. See comments. Down over 3%.

Atmospheric CO2: May 13, 2021, and we still don't have the April, 2021, data. What's up with that? Link here.

The Book Page

From Ocean Navigator, June 12, 2008:

“Running the Easting down” is an old shellback’s term for a wild ride in the Southern Ocean. 
In the golden age of sail the great clipper ships ran before the fierce westerly winds between 40° and 60° south latitude. 
Clippers left the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Leeuwin and Cape Horn to port as they sailed round the bottom of the world for thousands of miles, week after week, dodging icebergs, enduring freezing gales and coping with every kind of equipment failure, injuries and even death. 
These square-rigged ships were built to take the punishment inflicted by mountainous seas and screaming storms. In fact, the big fore- and aft-rigged schooners, so common more than 100 years ago on both coasts of the U.S., were never very successful in that kind of tempestuous sailing.

During our recent move to a new apartment, we put nearly my entire library in storage. More on that later, perhaps.

I have been reduced to a few coffee table books in the apartment and a few softcover books left in the car for something to read if caught in a stau

The coffee book I am now reading is fascinating: Sailing Around the World -- The Illustrated Edition, Joshua Slocum, with introduction by Geoffrey Wolff. Web link here.

Early in the book, in the introduction, p XII, I ran across that phrase, "running the easting down." At first I thought it might be a typographical error. Google provided the answer. As usual.

For someone with limited nautical experience, something tells me there will a lot of new words and new phrases

On a separate note, early in the same book, I also ran across the "Bay of Fundy." Wow, wow, wow. What a surprise. I first ran across the "Bay of Fundy" when reading a biography of Wyndham Lewis. For more at the blog on the "Bay of Fundy" place that phrase in the "search" box at the top of the blog on the left. 


  1. It's the Indian Covid situation. Brent was down too.

    Or just natural market variation. After all, it was a little frothy high from a few days ago.

    1. I haven't checked the strength/weakness of the dollar but it probably has as much to do with the strength of the dollar as anything. And we didn't even say anything about tensions in the Mideast which often seem to drive the price of oil.

  2. has another early ND info release. Up ~20,000. Director's Cut out late tomorrow.


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