
Monday, May 31, 2021

Covid-19 Vaccination Freedom -- North Texas -- May 31, 2021

I'm inappropriately exuberant about the Bakken. 

Likewise, there seems to be a certain euphoria in north Texas as "things" get back to normal and folks "de-mask" figuratively and literally. 

We will know in two months whether this was a good idea or not. Some say we were Neanderthals.

Some policies put in place under the Trump administration are now paying dividends.

The big disconnect right now: why the president is not pushing the FDA to fully approve the Covid-19 vaccinations currently being used in the United States. Trump would have pushed for full unqualified approval two months ago.

There are two issues to be considered: safety and efficacy.

I am unaware of any other drug or any other vaccine that has undergone so much political scrutiny and has been administered to so many folks in such a short time. The efficacy appears to have been proven. All one needs to do is look at global rates of immunization and global rates of infection. Exhibit A: Israel.

Safety: that's a bit tougher. 

Short-term, the vaccines have been determined to be very, very safe. 

Long-term safety is yet to sorted out, but if one considers the outcome of natural infection (death, prolonged hospitalization, symptomatic disease without hospitalization, asymptomatic disease, natural immunity for some unknown reason) vs 65% to 95% prevention of moderate-to-serious disease or no disease at all, it seems the "safety" argument becomes less concerning each day as more folks receive the vaccine. 

Anti-vaxxers continue to debate the safety of "routine" childhood vaccinations given for decades which means the "safety" argument for any vaccine will go on forever and ever. For me, that train left the station decades ago.

Now, back to north Texas. Sophia and I went to Target today to get some food items for her tea party. The parking lot was incredibly busy, as busy as I've ever seen it. It was amazing.

A quick scan around the parking lot and entrance doors suggested about half the folks were wearing masks, half not wearing masks. Inside the store, some employees were wearing masks, others were not. It seemed about half the folks inside the store were wearing their masks. Some wore their masks around their necks suggesting they were unaware of Target's new policy. I don't know what Target's policy is here in Texas but it sounds like they are following the CDC's advice: if fully vaccinated, masks not needed.

There was definitely a feeling of excitement. Perhaps I was transferring my own feelings but it certainly felt like a day of "freedom." 

In north Texas, if one is not fully vaccinated it is expected that one wear a mask.

If one is fully vaccinated, one is expected to wear a crown or a tiara with a "VC" medallion.

Fully vaccinated, here I am with full regalia when visiting Target:

-- photo by Sophia

Note the confirmation code and the lone star of Texas.
  • the first digit, "3": one of 23 Covid regions in Texas;
  • "W": white male
  • "89B" unique designator
The little rectangle to the viewer's left is the US flag, black and white.

Sophia, under the age of twelve, is not yet vaccinated and she still wears her mask.

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