
Saturday, April 3, 2021

WSJ In-Depth Report: Ports Of Los Angeles, Long Beach -- April 3, 2021

See also this link

Great, in-depth story from The WSJ on the neighboring ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, in San Pedro Harbor, south of Los Angeles. Link here. Data points:

  • tens of thousands of containers holding millions of dollars' worth of goods are stuck offshore, within sight of docks jammed with still more containers;

The long photo-journal begins:

The giant container ship that blocked the Suez Canal for six days was freed Monday, but another bottleneck in the supply chain remains, this one in Southern California.

On Monday morning, 24 container ships—with a combined maximum carrying capacity nearly 10 times that of the newly freed ship—were anchored off the coast waiting for space at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. [Comparing apples and oranges.]

The ships are carrying tens of thousands of boxes holding millions of dollars’ worth of washing machines, medical equipment, consumer electronics and other of the goods that make up global ocean trade, all of it idling in the waters in sight of docks that are jammed with still more containers.

One was on its 12th day of waiting in the seemingly unending queue. And the vessels keep coming.

Backups started building late last year as retailers and manufacturers tried to rebuild inventories that were depleted in the early months of the coronavirus pandemic.

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