
Friday, April 23, 2021

TGIF -- One Well Coming Off Confidential List; Active Rig Count Back To Fifteen; WTI Will Close Above $61 For The Week -- April 23, 2021

Poetry in motion: from social media -- if you want to compete, your submission will be submitted for the Rhysling Award

I almost want to quit blogging today. It can't possibly get any better.

What rhymes with Greta? 

Back to the Bakken

CLR's Bridger/ Bonneville wells have been updated.

Active rigs

Active Rigs1529616049

One well coming off the confidential list -- Friday, April 23, 2021: 19 for the month, 19 for the quarter, 100 for the year:

RBN Energy: what do new Gulf of Mexico crude oil projects mean for the offshore productio outlook?

Crude oil production in U.S. shale and tight-oil plays still hasn’t recovered fully from the demand destruction wrought by COVID-19 in the last year or so. It could be argued, though, that producers in the offshore Gulf of Mexico (GOM) have faced even tougher times as they had to deal with not only pandemic-related staffing issues and project setbacks but the most active hurricane season on record. Offshore GOM production averaged only 1.65 MMb/d in 2020, a 13% decline from the previous year and the lowest since 2016. By August, production fell to less than 1.2 MMb/d, the lowest for that month in seven years. Many new projects were delayed as well, but things may finally be looking up, with first oil from a number of projects coming later this year or in early 2022 and final investment decisions (FIDs) on two major projects expected soon. Today, we discuss the wild ride that GOM producers experienced in 2020 and whether better days can be expected in the future.


  1. Greta...Feta? Its de brie to me.
    Yeah,I know didnt make sense to me either.

    1. I never should have asked. LOL. Another reader suggested "vendetta." And then there's poinsettia, as commonly pronounced.


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