
Monday, March 1, 2021

What A Great Country -- California Projects A Huge Surplus -- March 1, 2021

And that surplus will grow when Washington, DC, sends infrastructure money for the "bullet train" to Sacramento.

Four Sophia Stories

First story:
Sophia is quite the conversationalist when we drive from home to Tutor Time.

Apparently Sophia - Robert - Isabella are a threesome.

Isabella is a trouble-maker. She conspires with Robert to "spy" on Sophia.

Today, Sophia was so excited to go to Tutor Time because Isabella was not there Friday and it's possible Isabella won't be there today, Monday.

Sophia and Robert had a great time last Friday without Isabella.

Sophia says she and Robert have a "relationship" - her word, not mine. She says Robert hopes that Isabella would not be here on Monday. But, Robert said to Sophia on Friday, that if Isabella is here today (Monday), he says he will tell Isabella that he wants to have time alone with Sophia without Isabella.

Can't wait to hear how today goes.
Second story:
Sophia and I try to arrive just before the bus arrives that has all the school kids in it. If we beat the bus, Sophia can be first in line and that's important for her, to be first in line.

Today, we arrived a minute too late, and Sophia was last in line.

While standing in line, Robert went over to a warning cone on the ground and pointed out a spider. Of course, everyone in line had to run over to see the spider.

Not Sophia. She ran to the head of the line. LOL. When everyone quit screaming over the spider, they all got back in line behind Sophia.
Third story:
Sophia says she does not want me to leave ever. I said I would stay until she gets her driver's license. Sophia than confirmed that would be when she was sixteen years old. I said, "yes." She said that would work.
Fourth story:
I mentioned how nice it was today. No one at home so I didn't have to rush all over picking up Olivia, getting her to soccer, getting Sophia to Tutor Time, etc.  As I was talking out loud on how great it was, Sophia said matter of factly: "It all ends tonight when Olivia returns home tonight." LOL. [Olivia was in North Caroline for the weekend participating in a soccer tournament, along with her dad.]


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