
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Wow, What An Incredible Wednesday; CLR Reports Another Huge Siverston Well -- February 10, 2021

Giovanni Staunovo: US implied oil demand of 20.183 million bopd is at the highest level since mid-March, 2020. Something tells me Biden has "jumped on the wrong horse, mid-stream."

Market: another big day.

CSCO: raised its dividend by a penny.

Bigly: pandemic-adjusted, LV was most-watched Super Bowl in history. 

Digital numbers were up 65 percent this year, proving that TV viewing continues to migrate away from broadcast TV and to streaming and mobile outlets.

Nancy Green: link here.

Aunt Jemima’s founders bought Missouri-based Pearl Milling Co. in 1888, then began a search for a novel product all Americans would eat, according to the book “Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben and Rastus,” by Marilyn Kern-Foxworth. They settled on pancakes, and perfected their mix in 1889. The brand name was inspired by a popular song, “Old Aunt Jemima,” typically performed in minstrel shows by a white man in blackface.

The brand’s creators hired a former enslaved woman, Nancy Green, to be its spokeswoman. She made her debut as Aunt Jemima at the Chicago World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893, singing, telling stories and making pancakes outside a booth resembling a giant flour barrel, according to the book “Black Hunger” by Doris Witt. PepsiCo acquired the business when it bought Quaker Oats in 2001.

Very, very clever. By not using Nancy Green's name they don't have to worry about paying royalties to the Nancy Green heirs. PepsiCo must have learned from the Henrietta Lacks story of some years ago. 

Pearl Milling syrup or PMS for short.

Back to the Bakken

Active rigs:

Active Rigs1555635835

Wednesday, February 10, 2021: 6 for the month, 39 for the quarter, 39 for the year.

  • 36732, F/A, CLR, Vardon 8-14H2, 33-053-09152, Siverston, first production, 8/20; t--; cum 100K 12/20;

RBN Energy: environmental, social, and governance issues take center stage in the energy industry.  

The run-up in crude oil prices the past couple of months has supported a rise in energy stock prices — since early November, the S&P 500 Energy Sector Index has increased by more than 40%. Yet, many investors, lenders and others remain wary of oil and gas companies, not only due to the energy industry’s historic volatility but also the unique social, political and financial pressures that hydrocarbon producers, midstreamers, and refiners face in demonstrating that they are addressing environmental, social, and governance issues. ESG has come to the fore in the U.S., Canada, and elsewhere, and will shape activity in the oil patch this decade and beyond, and energy companies that ignore it or only pay lip service do so at their peril. Today, we begin a series on the growing significance of ESG and how upstream, midstream, and downstream players are incorporating it into their strategies and operations.


  1. On the events in the US Senate:
    it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing.

    Thank you Macbeth

    1. Very, very, good, thank you.

      As I recall, Macbeth did not end well. LOL.

  2. as I recall, most of Shakespeare's stuff didnt end well

    1. Yes, the four great Shakespearean tragedies, as I recall:

      King Biden
      Kamala Harris

  3. And, thank you. You reminded me this page needed a screenshot.

  4. Cut our cable couple of years ago. The one local station that does not come in well had the game (go figure) our new TV has Amazon fire stick preloaded. Found CBS online and watched as long as I cared too with no issues.
    I would imagine with the very nature of digital streaming, "they" know what we watch more than ever. Say goodbye to the 100,000 or so Neilsen families now out of a job

    1. Agree completely and that's why I suggest the game had a lot more viewers than folks realize. In addition, all those viewers in bars in years past -- do you really think they paid attention to the commercials? Stuck at home with no / few interruptions, the commercials were actually viewed by more folks than in previous years.

      And you are so correct about advertisers tracking us when they can use e-commerce rather than television.


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