
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Texas Freeze: A Reader Provides Links, Narrative -- February 17, 2021

Note: I've not yet checked the links below. Let me know if any are broken. 

From a reader, overnight, edited:

Charging a Tesla in TX hit 900$ according to 🤯😳🤪😂

  • Texas Freeze Raises Cost Of Charging A Tesla To $900 
  • The Single Biggest Threat To The Electric Vehicle Boom - IMHO the CEO of Toyota Mr. Akio Toyoda is no lunkhead.
  • Texas Winter Storm Highlights The Importance Of Fossil Fuels

Supercycles, two articles:

  • $100 Oil: Big Banks Believe A New Oil Supercycle Is Beginning
  • Is This Oil Rally The Start Of Something Much Bigger?  
I love watching the far left mainstream writing about facts learned with regard to EVs, wind, solar energy now that we've seen the Texas experience. 

If there are energy shortages in North Dakota it is because the state is on the Western States Power (WSP) grid and cannot control when power is sold to other states. Texas, on the other hand, is on its own with ERCOT, a choice made by the state. They are not allowed to buy energy from other states.


  1. Texas put way too much wind capacity in. They didn't have enough baseload (coal and nuclear). And what baseload they did have was not well maintained--money was more going to showy renewables.

    Natural gas is not a perfect matching fuel for wind because in winter, it is prone to competition from heating. And it can't really be stored on site like coal or nuclear.

    Nukes are too pricey given the permitting nightmare. And well, Homer Simpson. But coal (with reasonable scrubbers) is still a GREAT source of electrical power. Hydro too, of course. But you either have that or you don't. Anyone can add a coal plant.

    P.s. Sooo tempted to troll Scott Tinker. ;-)

    1. I would have said the same thing up until a week ago (and I did): "they put way too much wind capacity in." And I was wrong. That was not the problem. I can easily argue that they did not put in enough wind, if I wanted to play devil's advocate but it would get me way off my focus on the Bakken.

      I would like to do a stand-alone post on the whole subject but there is so much being written about it now, my thoughts are not needed. Everyone has their own worldview on this whole debacle.


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