
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Monthly Drilled, Completed Wells And DUCs In The Bakken And Permian -- Most Recent Data, January, 2021

A reader provides me the number of wells drilled, completed, and drilled/not completed (DUCs) each month. I've abbreviated the chart. I've only provided the data from the Bakken and the Permian, and I've only included certain months going back to January, 2014.

I've always been impressed with how little the number of t6DUCs really changes over time in the Bakken, running between 700 and 850. Back in December, 2014, there were 732 DUCs in the Bakken. Fast forward to January, 2021, and there were 745 DUCs in the Bakken.

During that same period, from December, 2014, to January, 2021, the number of DUCs in the Permian increased from 1,036 to 3,468.

In the Bakken the number of drilled wells (around 20) and the number of completed wells (around 40) have remained fairly steady. 

In the Permian, the number of drilled wells dropped from over 600 in December, 2014, to 187 in January, 2021. Likewise, the number of completed wells in the Permian dropped from 577 in December, 2014, to 225 in January, 2021.

The "187" drilled wells in January, 2021 in the Permian is the most since April, 2020. Likewise, the "225" completed wells in January, 2021, is the most completed since April, 2020.

No conclusions drawn, simply presenting the data.


  1. The key number is the drilled number. That's your future. Bakken is drilling a tenth of what Permian is.

    As for DUCs, ratio of DUCs to completions is similar in both basins, but ratio of DUCS to drilled is much higher in the Bakken. What that means is the Bakken is not drilling enough.

  2. 1. Actually your future is recoverable reserves.

    2. With regard to "not drilling enough," I've addressed that in the past on the blog.

    3. With regard to "not drilling enough," one point that needs to be stressed: each operator has his/her own strategy.


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