
Saturday, February 13, 2021

It's Coming -- Ice Age Now -- February 13, 2021

 Now, imagine "everyone" charging their EV in their garage overnight.
So, we know it will be 2°C warmer ninety-four years from now, but no one predicted this "unprecedented" winter storm one month ago? Say what?


  1. Watching the ERCOT demand, see that reserve power is below 5000MW. Would guess that rolling blackouts are going to happen. Doubt that there is much power available from neighboring states.

    1. That was my thought also -- rolling brownouts. If that occurs that will be devastating. The houses in Texas are not insulated at all. I can already see how the faux environmentalists will spin this story. Their take: this had nothing to do with wind/solar energy, but everything to do with natural gas sector unable to respond.


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