
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

So, What Now? January 5, 2021

A reader asked via a comment:

For the sake of my question, let's assume fracking is banned, either on Federal land only, or more, whatever. Is there a chance or opportunity to then try and get producing wells to be shut down, plugged, closed. 
In other words, ban fracking first, move on to "banning" producing wells. 
2nd question: if fracking was banned, wouldn't it be [reversed] the next time [a GOP] house/senate/prez any combo comes along? 

I've brought that comment and my reply to the main body of the post to bring readers up to my current feelings about the Bakken. This reply is another not-ready-for-prime-time but it is what it is:

Oh, I have no idea. First, of all, most of my posted thoughts about "banning fracking" are made "tongue in cheek." I'm trolling a bit, hoping folks start thinking about that possibility. There's a lot of "distance" between fracking today and banning fracking completely.

I have a very thin skin, am highly emotional, wear my patriotism on my sleeve, and remain incredibly inappropriately exuberant about the Bakken, and my home state. To minimize the depression that I might experience if worst comes to worst, I have emotionally and rationally "moved on."

The Bakken is no longer the "end-all and be-all" for me.

I remain excited about the geology, science, and technology as it relates to the Bakken, but I no longer "care" where this all leads. I've seen the potential and that's what most interested me from the very beginning: to see if the Bakken could live up to the hype. It did and much more.

Don't take that out of context. Of course I "care," but not to the extent that my life hinges on the outcome any more. The last four years have taught me a lot.

To answer your question, I think the price of gasoline will drive everything. Americans now know that yes, indeed, we can drill our way to lower gasoline prices. If "they" choose not to do so, that's their decision. But I will no longer feel any sympathy for anyone, especially Californians, who complain about the high price of gasoline and the increasing number of blackouts. It's 100% in our control.

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site.  Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here.

My interest has now turned to EVs. It will be fascinating to see if renewable energy and EVs can live up to the hype. My hunch: nope. 

I think one needs to remember the powers-that-be (China, Russia, the US, and the Mideast) cannot survive if the anti-Bakken folks prevail. The powers-that-be have a huge vested interest in the renewable energy story. And not in a good way.  

Then throw in Australia and India.

The Court Of Public Opinion Is Now In Session

Exhibit A


  1. Much more likely a Biden admin will get a friendly judge to shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline and again halt Keystone. Will probably halt oil drilling on federal land.

    I'm with you about people getting what they deserve. We have the ability thru our vote to make changes but if we don't do vote out bad apples, we get what we deserve.

    1. All of which favor the Mideast.

      Thank you for taking the time to write and not saying bad things about me. LOL.

  2. Thank you for your kind words. What a great way to wake up to on a Wednesday morning.


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