
Friday, January 29, 2021

Notes From All Over -- January 29, 2021

Robinhood: I'm watching television sports talk shows, ESPN1 and ESPN2 -- crowded with Robinhood ads .. on a sports network. Ads targeting middle-age black women and 20-something black males. I'll keep you posted.

GM: this will be fascinating to watch --

  • their number-selling vehicle for the past decade: a gas-guzzling pickup truck, the Silverado
  • the favorite GM vehicle among their best demographic, the 18 - 34 year-old car buyers: the Silverado
  • no one will will be selling EVs (in volume) until there is infrastructure to support it
  • my hunch: the administration will announce an infrastructure bill that blow the socks off of those paying attention -- and 90% will focus on EV infrastructure

Saudi Arabia: EVs -- one word -- "existential" -- this is an existential issue for them.

EV infrastructure: a reader asked about investing opportunities in US EV infrastructure. Easy-peasy:

  • each charging staging needs computer chips and sensors: #1 in such stuff -- TSMC and AAPL.
  • does electricity still move from charging station to vehicle in a rubber-covered tube of copper? Or does electricity move by some other method? Here's the answer: Aluminum has cost and weight advantages over copper and is the preferred material for electricity transmission and distribution uses today. Due to aluminum's superior conductivity-to-weight ratio compared with copper, the metal is now used for wiring in residences, buildings, aircraft and appliances
  • China may build the components, but it's going to be local contractors putting in the charging stations.
  • Here are the top 20 companies that make charging stations:
You're welcome.

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