
Saturday, January 2, 2021

EVs: An Op-Ed -- January 2, 2021

EVs, an op-ed; link here; for the archives;

  • a great article; nothing new,
  • this article will eventually be moved to a stand-alone post for the archives. It's that good.

Road tax: it would be smart for states and the federal government to tackle this issue sooner than later. Once a tipping point is reached, perhaps as early as 10% penetration, folks will not support extra fees or taxes on EVs for road construction / maintenance. The federal government won't act until it's too late; states would be smart to act now. Three revenue streams:

  • initial road tax at time a new EV is bought;
  • annual road tax at time automobiles are registered;
  • road tax fee levied on EV manufacturer at public charging stations

Distribution transformers

Challenges for charging stations:

  • at least 40% of Americans don't own their own homes
  • apartment complexes
  • cars that do not have overnight garage parking / park on public streets overnight


  • charging station lots off interstate highways, federal highways, state highways and other major thoroughfares
  • cars are parked for 30 minutes or so to re-charge vs five minutes or so for ICEs to re-fuel

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