
Monday, January 25, 2021

Chinatown: "Stay-At-Home" Order Just Lifted -- January 25, 2021

It has just been announced that California has just lifted its "stay-at-home" order.

It was also announced earlier today that the effort to recall governor Newsom has reached another milestone. This announcement came just hours before the "stay-at-home" order was lifted.

With regard to Covid-19 and herd immunity, New York has a huge problem. Whereas North and South Dakota lead the nation in Covid-19 penetration at nearly 13%, New York, below the US average of 7.7%, stands at 7%.

Look here, not there! What a joke. CNBC sent one of their anchors all the way to Florida to report on "vaccine tourism." Apparently folks are driving from across the country to get in line to get their vaccine. We're talking RVs worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, occupied by one or two seniors. Big deal. Yet, CNBC conveniently ignores the issue of thousands of people in convoys moving to our southern border now that Biden has promised them a pathway to citizenship. On the one hand, one or two dozen Americans simply trying be vaccinated vs thousands of immigrants from the south planning to cross our borders illegally. And which story gets the coverage? LOL. 


The market today: let's say you are ninety years old. You are really bored; your days of making deals are over." Currency trading" is so yesterday. Things are moving too slowly. You have $2 billion to play with. This leads me to this question: has an individual figured out another way to play this market and have fun while doing it? I think of my dad when he was 90 years old and trading in the market. LOL. Has "international organized crime" figured out how to make huge amounts of money and at the same time disrupt the US economy? Just asking for a friend. 

On another note, it turns out that the Biden call for a minimum wage of $15/hour is a bit of "fake news." More on that later, if I remember, but I'm done blogging for awhile. Sophia is on her way over for "school."


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