
Monday, December 7, 2020

Monday Night Tweets -- December 7, 2020


  1. Not on subject, on a website there is an article I saw today about a mantle plume of hot rocks under central Greenland that melts ice from below. Also have seen that very little is known about the geology of the ocean floor below the artic ocean that may be heating the ocean water contributing the thinning ice in artic ocean due to underwater volcanism. One more interesting note is the magnetic north pole is moving toward Russia.

    1. You are quite correct; I have a reader that watches ocean heating / ice melting very, very close and writes me regularly on the subject. I do not post it simply because I simply do not have time to write about another subject.

      I was very, very aware of the movement of magnetic north but had forgotten in which direction.

      Sophia, our six-year-old was learning about magnets a couple of weeks ago and that, of course, led me down that rabbit hole. LOL.


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