
Sunday, November 22, 2020

"Focus On Fracking" -- Posted -- November 22, 2020

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I find this simply amazing. Much of this natural gas is a by-product of oil wells in the "oily" shale plays: the Bakken, the Eagle Ford, and the Permian. Drilling has practically come to a standstill (hyperbole but not by much) and yet natural gas production increases and fill rate is apparently the highest in almost two decades. Earlier stories suggest that it was a very, very mild November that allowed for such an increase in natural gas injection. Truly amazing. Who would have ever thought?


The writer noted:

Largest mid-November natural gas injection in 19 years; DUCs fall on subdued drilling; completions still down 69% YoY

two weeks ago:

There's nothing fundamental about natural gas in either story; it's all about the weather and heating demand, unusually cold in October, unusually warm in November.

Comment: another reader has recently written me the same thing -- when it comes to natural gas, it's all about the weather. 

I still think the biggest natural gas story this month has been the export license that SRE received from the Mexican government for an LNG export terminal on the west coast of Baja California. 

Wow, Talk About A Boring Night

Time for a bit of YouTube.

Spoon Lady is still active. She has a YouTube channel and posted most recently yesterday or the day before, or thereabouts. 

For those who are not familiar with the Spoon Lady, two videos:

I have only subscribed to two YouTube channels in my entire life. Spoon Lady is one of the two.

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