
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

North Dakota -- #1 -- Followed By SD, MT, WI, WY, ID, And UT -- October 27, 2020

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Tracking active cases is akin to tracking active rigs. A lot of similarities.


  1. a clear picture of the third wave...the virus made the rounds through the coastal cities and then thru the South, & now it's taking on the the northern'll only take a few weeks of that before people in those states hunker down and avoid social contacts, and then a few weeks after that new cases start to fall again...& that's the reason mandated lockdowns aren't really necessary; when infections become widespread enough, most people tend to lock themselves down anyway...

    1. Agree completely. But, wow, vaccine or no vaccine, we have a long, long way to go to get to herd immunity.


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