
Friday, May 8, 2020

Initial Production For Three New EOG Clarks Creek Wells -- September 19, 2019

This was supposed to have been posted last September, 2019, but somehow it got lost in the shuffle. The notes below refer to what we knew as of September 19, 2019, with the exception of the IP and updated production data.
Yesterday, I posted a note based on information from a reader. Below the fold is that note re-posted. At the time, I couldn't see the data because the wells were confidential. Today, a reader provided the "initial flowback data." Succinctly:
  • 36413, 2,058, EOG, Clarks Creek 106-0724H, Clarks Creek, casing pressure: 2,357 psi; choke 30 64th inch; oil in last hour: 111 bbls; oil in last 24 hours: 2,650 bbls; avg gas in last 24 hours: 140.375 mcf; t9/19; cum 350K 3/20;
  • 36415, 3,519, EOG, Clarks Creek 18-0719H, Clarks Creek, casing pressure: 1,622 psi; choke 48 64th inch; oil in last hour: 171 bbls; oil in last 24 hours: 4,433 bbls; avg gas in last 24 hours: 216.625 mcf; t9/19; cum 315K 3/20;
  • 36416, 2,859, EOG, Clarks Creek 105-0719H, Clarks Creek, casing pressure: 1,110 psi; choke 50 64th inch; oil in last hour: 137 bbls; oil in last 24 hours: 3,334 bbls; avg gas in last 24 hours: 166.708; t9/19; cum 264K 3/20;
Disclaimer: this came from the "source," but as usual, I do make factual and typographical errors. If this is important to you go to the "source.

Spectacular EOG Wells

The graphic:

From a reader, just moments ago:
One of the best wells EOG has had in a while. 3 well Pad. Currently completing the 45,46,47 well to the the north. The 47 well is also a Three Forks well. Side note about half the sand pumped is from the Asgard (spelling?) mine which is 30-35 miles east of Minot. 
The wells:
  • 36413, conf, EOG, Clarks Creek 106-0724H, Clarks Creek, no production data,
  • 36415, conf, EOG, Clarks Creek 18-0719H, Clarks Creek, no production data,
  • 36416, conf, EOG, Clarks Creek 105-0719H, Clarks Creek, no production data, 
So, we will have to wait and see.

Wow, I "love" my readers. Thank you so much for all you have taught me and alerted me to incredible Bakken stories.

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