
Thursday, March 26, 2020

The April, 2020, NDIC Hearing Dockets

The NDIC hearing dockets are tracked here.

Link here.

The usual disclaimer applies. As usual this is done very quickly and using shorthand for my benefit. There will be factual and typographical errors on this page. Do not quote me on any of this. It's for my personal use to help me better understand the Bakken. Do not read it. If you do happen to read it, do not make any investment, financial, job, relationship, or travel plans based on anything you read here or think you may have read here. If this stuff is important to you, and I doubt that it is, but if it is, go to the source.

Highlights in bold.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Only five pages.

These are cases, not permits:
  • 28430, White Rock Oil & Gas, MonDak-Stonewall; redefine field limits, McKenzie County;
  • 28431, Murex, West Tioga and/or Tioga-Bakken, i) extend Tioga Field to include W/2 SE/4 of section 10-157-95 (80 acres); ii) establish an overlapping 1600-acre unit, S/2 of section 34-158-95 and all of sections 3/10-157-95; iii) eight wells on that drilling unit; Williams County
  • 28432, BR, exception to rule, #37076, Cleofill 1D; McKenzie County;
  • 28433, MRO, Reunion Bay-Bakken; exception to rule, #37395, Wallentinson USA; Mountrail, McKenzie;
  • 28434, Bruin, Dublin-Bakken; establish an overlapping 2560-acre unit, one well, Williams;
  • 28435, MRO, Bailey-Bakken, 12 wells on a 2560-acre unit,section 6/7/18/19-146-94; Dunn County;
  • 28436, MRO, commingling;
  • 28437, MRO, commingling;
  • 28438, MRO, commingling;
  • 28439, MRO, flaring;
  • 28440, MRO, flaring;
  • 28441, MRO, flaring,
  • 28442, Petro Harvester, SWD

Thursday, April 23, 2020
Only eight pages.

These are permits, not cases:
  • 28443, WPX, Mandaree-Bakken; i) create an overlapping 640-acre unit, E/2 7- and W/2 8-149-93; ii) create an overlapping 640-acre unit, section 8-149-93, one wells; Dunn County;
  • 28444, EOG, Elm Tree-Bakken, i) fourteen wells in an existing 1280-acre unit, sections 2/11-153-94;; ii) fourteen wells in an existing 120-acre unit, sections 3/10-153-94; McKenzie, Mountrail;
  • 28445, EOG, Squaw Creek-Bakken, create an overlapping 2560-acre unit, sections 3/4/9/10-149-94; one well, McKenzie
  • 28446, EOG, rework/use the Burke 18-27H well, #17486, section 27-155-90, as a combined production/injection well for an operation in the Parshall-Bakken to the test the feasibility of EOR in the reservoir; Mountrail
  • 28447, EOG, rework/use the Burke 7-30H well, #17490, section 3-155-90, as a combined production/injection well for an operation in the Parshall-Bakken to the test the feasibility of EOR in the reservoir; Mountrail
  • 28448, EOG, rework/use the Burke 16-22H well, #174867, section 22-155-90, as a combined production/injection well for an operation in the Parshall-Bakken to the test the feasibility of EOR in the reservoir; , rework/use the Burke 17-23H well, #17949, section 23-155-90, as a combined production/injection well for an operation in the Parshall-Bakken to the test the feasibility of EOR in the reservoir; and, , rework/use the Burke 9-10H well, #17996, section 10-155-90, as a combined production/injection well for an operation in the Parshall-Bakken to the test the feasibility of EOR in the reservoir; Mountrail
  • 28449, Freedom Energy Resources LLC, exception; Lodgepole well, Stark County, section 17/20-139-96;
  • 28450, Freedom Energy Operating LLC, establish an approx 960-acre unit, S/2-12 and N/2, N/2-13-129-104 and W/2-18-129-103, Red River formation, Bowman County;
  • 28451, Crusoe Energy Systems,
  • 28452, WPX, pooling,
  • 28453, WPX, pooling,
  • 28454, WPX, Big Bend-Bakken, seven wells on an existing 640-acre units, section 15-152-92; Mountrail;
  • 28455, WPX, Heart Butte-Bakken, i) seven wells on an existing overlapping 640-acre unit, section 9-149-92; ii) seven wells on an existing 640-acre unit, section 9-149-91; Dunn County
  • 28456, WPX, Mandaree-Bakken, three wells on an existing 320-acre unit, W/2 section8-149-93; Dunn County
  • 28457, XTO, pooling,
  • 28458, XTO, pooling,
  • 28459, XTO, commingling, vapors,
  • 28460, Zavanna, commingling, vapors,
  • 28461, Zavanna, commingling, vapors,
  • 28462, EOG, Painted Woods-Bakken, four wells on an existing 1280-acre unit, sections 4/9-154-103; Williams County
  • 28463, EOG, Stanley field, authorizing the conversion of the Burke 16-22H well, #17487, section 22-155-90, allowing the injection of natural gas and other fluids into the Bakken formation; Mountrail County
  • 28464, EOG, Stanley field, authorizing the conversion of the Burke 9-10H well, #17996, section 10-155-90, allowing the injection of natural gas and other fluids into the Bakken formation; Mountrail County
  • 28465, EOG, Stanley field, authorizing the conversion of the Burke 13-15H well, #17862, section 15-155-90, allowing the injection of natural gas and other fluids into the Bakken formation; Mountrail County
  • 28466, EOG, Stanley field, authorizing the conversion of the Burke 17-23H well, #17949, section 23-155-90, allowing the injection of natural gas and other fluids into the Bakken formation; Mountrail County
  • 28467, EOG, Ross field, authorizing the conversion of the Burke 7-03H well, #17490, lot 4 section 3-155-90, allowing the injection of natural gas and other fluids into the Bakken formation; Mountrail County
  • 28468, EOG, Parshall field, authorizing the conversion of the Burke 18-27H well, #17486, section 27-155-90, allowing the injection of natural gas and other fluids into the Bakken formation; Mountrail County
  • 28469, Ballard Petroleum Holdings LLC, Chatfield-Madison Unit,, authorizing the conversion of the Fines 23-19 well, #31118, section 19-159-81, for the injection of fluids into the unitized formation, Bottineau County
  • 28470, Ballard Petroleum Holdings LLC, Chatfield-Madison Unit, authorizing the conversion of the Barton Trust 31-30 well, #31307, section 30-159-81, for the injection of fluids into the unitized formation, Bottineau County

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