
Friday, March 6, 2020

First Thing That Popped Up On My Twitter Notification This Morning -- Probably Not The Sharpest Knives In The Drawer -- March 6, 2020

Fantastic! Someone put this up on YouTube. I hope it's never removed. One needs to listen to Brian Williams' honest astonishment. What a doofus:

Really Bad Math, Brian Williams

Former NBC evening news anchor.

NYT editorial board member.


All agree. Mini Mike could have given each American $1.53 million to each American for all the money he spent on his campaign.

Speaking Of Sharp Knives

"Maybe I should have given each American $2 million."

The Babylon Bee is more accurate than CNN and MSNBC and much more entertaining.

The Wall. Good news:
At a press conference Wednesday, President Trump assured the public that the coronavirus is under control. He also stated that the threat of the virus has now changed the design of his wall on the Mexican border, as Trump has ordered that the steel slats that compose it be moved closer together so that the coronavirus can’t slip through.
“This wall will be coronavirus-proof,” Trump stated. “The virus is going to come to the border and be like, ‘I’m going to infect Americans!’ But then it will see our beautiful wall and be like, ‘Guess I’ll just have to stay here and infect Mexicans or go farther south and infect people in like Portugal or something.’”
Trump had already previously asked for a redesign of the wall when he found out that the slats were far enough apart that squirrels could slip through, as he reportedly said, “America already has enough squirrels and we don’t need any Mexican squirrels.”


  1. Replies
    1. MSNBC spending too much time fact-checking Donald Trump. LOL.

  2. Math is hard. -Barbie. ;-)

  3. They said there would be no math!

  4. BTW- he's right about the squirrels

    1. Yes, they carry the plague and right now we have our hands full with coronavirus.

      One pandemic at a time.


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