
Friday, March 27, 2020

An "Overlapping 640"? -- March 27, 2020


April 27, 2020: wow, I'm an idiot. I completely mis-read this. Yes, it now makes sense. For the life of me, I can't figure out how I mis-read this. I must be suffering from Bidenitis.

Original Post 

We'll come back to this one later. I can't figure it out.

Section 8-149-93: according to the NDIC map, this section is already approved for 640-acre spacing. Why an "overlapping" unit for this section is required makes no sense to me. There are two producing wells in that section and both are on 320-acre spacing. But the change, an overlapping 640-acre unit would not affect either of these wells. Regardless of what happens in the future these wells are already permitted for 320-acre spacing and can't be changed. Obviously I am missing something or do not understand the concept of "overlapping." See comments.


  1. As you probably already know the case will drop in the system in a day or two. You can then look it up and they will have a picture of the plan on it. I think this indicates that it is a valuable area, and that they are running out of great places to drill.

    1. You are exactly correct -- about "running out of great places to drill. I might have to do another stand-alone blog on that meme. I've talked about it before but it's always an interesting topic -- "running out of great places to drill." Wow, there's just so much to cover.

  2. Some of my mineral rights are listed as: Western half of section...
    My guess is that if you have an ownership group that has W/half of one and E/half next door. Combining those makes sense. Quite honestly, I'm kind of surprised it took this long- Other than the need hasnt been there


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