
Sunday, February 2, 2020

Back To Belarus -- February 2, 2020

Someone much smarter than I am is also following the Belarus story. The reader writes:
Couple of quick data points ... 
Lithuania already has an FSRU ( Floating Sorage and Regasification Unit) through which it can easily pipe gas to Belarus. 
Poland is planning on 2 FSRUs to supplement its original, standard land based LNG terminal. Poland, also, can supply Belarus, Czechoslovakia,  even Ukraine through existing pipes.

Biggest surprise, perhaps? 

Thailand is planning on buying LNG from Malaysia at current ~$4/mmbtu spot RATHER THAN USE THEIR OWN, DOMESTICALLY PRODUCED GAS which costs ~$7.80 per. (Wow!) 
India is trying to renegotiate the $8+ it currently pays Qatar on negotiated long term contract as it can buy spot LNG (read ... USA) for under $5.

Egypt just  drastically cut  back its LNG exports as its realized pricing can't compete with US spot. 
Algeria severely curtalied its PIPED gas to Europe for same reasons. 
Turkey paying $5.60 per, for LNG spot through its FSRUs,  less than Gazpom-piped $7,80.

People will be absolutely stunned, in the coming years, at the ferociously quick, expansive impact US LNG will have on global energy markets. 
FSRUs are rapidly going in all over the globe and $2.50/$2.00 Henry Hub gives the US a powerful advantage.

Thank you, Free Enterprise. 
Thank you, Roughnecks, entrepreneurs, risk takers, hard workers, visionaries one and all.
Thank you for the note; very, very interesting. 

I did not post it at the original note, but someone also suggested that US could supply LNG at half the price Russia was trying to negotiate, and that's with transportation charges.


  1. You still have the cost of liquefaction. Not trivial when LNG is in a glut. There is a reason why Tellurian has delayed FID twice now.


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