
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Daimler, Daimler, Daimler -- February 11, 2020

Talk about spin:
The real story: fraud.

  • S&P 500, NASDAQ: hit all-time records. Again.
  • Sprint, of course, will surge, maybe double in share price before the week is out; it's already up 74% today;
  • AAPL: up a bit, $322.23
  • SRE: up a bit, $158.66
  • UNP: a bit, $185.32
  • IMUX, down two cents, at $8.89
  • EW, up a bit, at $228.64
  • XLNX, up 4.07%; up $3.51; trading just under $90; 52-week high: $142;
  • ENB, wow, up over 1%; up 44 cents; trading at $43, with a one-year target of $45; and paying 5.74%;
Disclaimer: this is not an investment site.  Do not make any investment, financial, career, travel, job, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here. 

Local weather, DFW (north Texas): drowning in rain this week.

Politics: New Hampshire primary will be a hoot. Republicans "writing in" the Dem of their choice.

Later, what does this cruise ship have in common with Mitt Romney?

  • Choices:
    • no party for either?
    • both are quarantined?
The Book Page

From Rediscovering Homer: Inside the Origin of the Epic, Andrew Dalby, c. 2006

From page 153, the denouement:
  • the two epics; oral poems; most well-known singer associated with the epics: Homer
    • Homer probably lived around 850 BC
    • Iliad: written down -- 650 BC
    • Odyssey: written down -- 630 BC
  • author of the written versions: 
    • unknown
    • both by same author
    • a woman
This is quite interesting. Harold Bloom came to the same conclusion regarding the authorship of much of the Old Testament.

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