
Friday, January 31, 2020

This President Simply Never Stops -- January 31, 2020

The end of the line:
Hardly seems like a disorganized, chaotic White House. Remember those mainstream media stories that the White House was disorganized? Whatever.

I wonder if he briefed Congress ahead of the attack?

End of the Line, The Traveling Wilburys


  1. Rest assured; Rep Schiff probably doesn't get the $10 million reward!
    "In the first major military operation authorized by President Trump, Chief Petty Officer William (Ryan) Owens, a member of the Navy’s SEAL Team 6, was killed in Yemen in 2017 trying to kill or capture Mr. al-Rimi."
    And another one bites the dust! And about time, since they've been after him since, what, 2007?

    1. Thank you. I had not had time to look up the back story.

    2. I'm constantly amazed at the breath and width on the stories you cover. Care to tell us how you do this? Do you sleep?
      I really enjoy following your blog; never stop~ (because I can sleep, get a good night's rest and read your interesting comments in the am).

    3. Thank you for your kind comments. I get a lot of help from readers. And I have lots of time to fill between driving the three granddaughters to all their events.


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