
Friday, January 31, 2020


This well has been added to the list of other wells of interest.

See this post for background.

A well of interest:
  • 31458, 6,311, Bruin, FB James 150-94-3A-10-6B, Spotted Horn, t11/19; 98K over 25 days; extrapolates to 118,184 bbls crude oil over 30 days; 
    PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare
Movie Night

Great movie: The Apartment, 1960. 33rd Academy Awards: nominated for ten awards; won five.


  1. NM says hello. Coming into the millionaires club now. "Hello, TX, FGOM, and ND. Could have busted in here a couple months ago. Just got SEP and OCT revised up."

  2. Did a quick skim reading of the report to see if anything indicates why such a high initial rate for this well.

    1. Seems to be a great area.
    2 Tight pattern between bakken and threeforks. Looks like two wells fracked next
    to it.
    3. Almost 15 Million sand used
    4. 15% acid used(seems different than other companies not sure it matters)
    5. 54 stages.
    6. High pressure high water volume.

    I think they have the special sauce.

    1. Thank you. You saved me some work. Obviously this is a huge frack, and a great location, as you noted, but, also as you noted, Bruin is doing a great job. I'm not convinced another operator would have done the same in this location.


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