
Friday, December 20, 2019

Utah Tops The Nation With Best Economic Outlook -- December 20, 2019

The Fox Business News segment this subject was incredible. Maybe it will show up on YouTube sometime.

From the internet siteEconomy All-Stars -- Utah Tops List Of Best Economic Outlook. Even during the live presentation on television, new and better numbers were coming in regarding Utah:
  • Utah tops list of best economic outlook
  • the state is cutting state personal income and corporate income; during the news presentation it was announced that the state was cutting state personal income and corporate income tax to 4.66%; previously it was a flat rate of 5%;
  • unemployment on the graphic during the presentation was 2.5%, but the presenter said new data just coming in said the unemployment rate had dropped to 2.4% -- the second lowest in the nation (she didn't mention the state with the lowest unemployment; North Dakota has a 2.5% unemployment rate)
  • job growth in Utah: 3.3%; top in the nation
  • big Utah employers:
  • Goldman Sachs
  • US Air Force
US employment: At this site, it is reported that Vermont has the lowest unemployment rate in the nations, at 2.3%. I assume that anyone who cannot find a job in Vermont, moves out of state; and/or, has quit looking for a job, and thus does not show up in the statistics.

Politics: except for Ronald Reagan, I've never seen a US president unite the Republican Party to the extent Trump has. Not only did not one US House GOP member vote with Nancy Pelosi, two democrats voted against impeachment; a third voted "present," taking a page from the Obama playbook on tough issues. Two democrats actually switched parties over this issue.

Fact check needed: Rush said this morning, if I heard him correctly, Trump is the first president in the history of the United States to have never started a war. Trump may have inherited some wars, expanded others, but he is the first, according to Rush if I heard him correctly, to have never started a war.

Politics: this is so incredibly bizarre. It is now being reported that Nancy Pelosi has "invited" President Trump to deliver the state of the union address on February 4, 2020. This is less than two days after Trump was "impeached." If I recall correctly, there was some question if Trump would give the state of the union address to a joint session of congress some time in the past couple of years -- something about Nancy Pelosi not inviting him .. but now this year, an impeached president, "a clear and present danger" to the United States; an agent of Russia; is now being invited by Nancy Pelosi to give the state of the union address.
Now I recall: it was last year; Nancy Pelosi said no state of the union address until "government re-opened." In lieu of the state of the union address, Trump suggested he might hold one of his standing-room only rallies where crowds exceed the size of the arenas.
    Yeah, like this will work. If it looks like a scam, walks like a scam, quacks like a scam, it's probably a scam. 300-acre city for California's homeless proposed. Cost: $3 billion. Funding? GoFundMe. So far:
    A GoFundMe effort with a goal of $50,000 for the proposed city had raised just $60 as of Thursday [December 19, 2019].
    Sounds like Occasional Cortex is the chief finance office (CFO).

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