
Thursday, December 19, 2019

S&P 500 Hits All-Time High -- Again -- December 19, 2019

Politics: apparently the polls show several things right now after the US House failed bipartisan support for impeachment of the president:
  • swing states now swinging to Trump; they had been turning away from Trump but the swing states seems to be turning to Trump; 
  • very interesting: earlier polls showed nearly "every" Democrat running for president beating Trump in head-to-head polls; now those same polls show Trump beating every Democrat
  • most interesting: Gallup shows Trump's popularity rising 6 points pre/post-impeachment
  • my hunch: if these polls are accurate, and I'm not convinced that they are, but if they are accurate, this has to be Pelosi's greatest fear: that once the US Senate votes to exonerate the president, his popularity will surge even more
  • the crawler says that the US House may not even send the articles of impeachment to the US Senate; I think most agree she can't hold them forever but the longer she holds them, the shorter the trial, and worst fear: exoneration during the DNC convention? during the RNC convention? at the peak of the campaign in September-October?
Market: S&P 500 hits a new all-time high.

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site.  Do not make any investment, financial, career, travel, job, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here.

Market: I can't keep up. Now it's being reported that the NASDAQ has hit a new all-time high.

Dow: now up 132 points in late morning trading. The real question is how high will the Dow go -- after the day the US House failed bipartisan support for impeachment of the president.

For the archives, student loan issue:
Trump will co-opt the Democrats on student loan debt. His administration is proposing exactly what I suggested months (maybe, years?) ago. If politicians were really serious about student loan debt, instead of talking about policies that won't ever see the light of day, they would go after the low-hanging fruit. And the low-hanging fruit? Reduce the interest rates students are paying on their loans. Incredible rip-off. The overnight Fed rate is 1.75% to 2.00%. Undergraduate loans approaching .... 8%.
Mailing Her Letter To Santa 

... and then checking to make sure it was in the mailbox.

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