
Friday, December 20, 2019

Holy Mackerel, Maude -- They're Burning Oil In New England To Make Electricity; $240/MWH -- December 20, 2019

From ISO New England this morning and I don't think winter sets in for another day or so.

Fuel mix to make electricity includes:
  • oil (7%)
  • coal (3%)
  • despite a glut of natural gas just to the west of them. 

Posted earlier from a reader:
Update on grid for Connecticut / Rhode Island, from a reader:
  • the current spot price of electricity in Connecticut/Rhode Island is $161/Mwh;
  • oil hit 5% fuel level earlier -- oil needed to produce electricity in this country -- wow!!
  • nuclear plant (1 of 3 in region) Millstone 3 is down for unscheduled repairs;
  • LNG tanker just arrived at Everett with LNG from Trinidad -- despite the US having a glut of its own natural gas;
  • reason for all this: natural gas pipeline expansion projects blocked
  • "we" xpect years of this unnecessary 'drama'
  • crucially needed transmission line from Canada - Clean Energy Connect- is now facing a "no go" referendum next autumn -- I think this has to do with transmission lines through neighboring states

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