
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Notes From All Over, Part 1 -- November 19, 2019

Texas weather report: gorgeous. It will be about ten degrees warmer than normal, I thought I heard. Maybe, maybe not, but it should hit 70°F. No rain. No wind. No errors.

Texas highways: incredible. The interstate and divided highway turnarounds are incredible. Brilliant.

Shameful: speaking of roads, the state couldn't find a way to come up with $30 million to widen the most dangerous stretch of road in the state. The stretch of the road is in the Bakken. The Legacy Fund has distributed $455 million over the years and currently has about $6 billion in assets. But the state couldn't come up with $30 million to address a problem the state really could fix, unlike the meth problem.

The meth problem? Where did that come from? The new South Dakota ad campaign to address the meth problem. Apparently "everyone's on meth" in South Dakota.

Just a month from now -- the general election. Say what? From The Bismarck Tribune yesterday, November 18, 2019. Screenshot to follow. For now, cut and paste:
Days to Iowa caucuses: 77. Days to general election: 35. Here's what we're watching heading into a new week on the 2020 campaign.

Twitter. I had never checked my twitter account followers. Yesterday my wife asked if I was able to "identify" any followers. Out of curiosity, I checked. I was humbled. I'm beginning to think I need to improve the blog now that I see some of the names of those following the blog. But I doubt anything will change. Sorry.

The Royals. Some years ago I was introduced to the phrase, "monkey on one's back." It was during my years in the Air Force. We were taught that challenges/problems could often be thought of as "monkeys on one's back." The key was to getting that monkey off one's back; one of the easier ways was to get the monkey to jump on someone else's back. Right now, the fastest way Prince Andrew could get the pedophilia monkey off his back is to get it on Bill Clinton's back.

Politics: speaking of Bill Clinton. The "witch hunt" is being driven and orchestrated by Hillary. For Hillary it's a three-fer. If she's successful: a) Bill Clinton won't be the only living president impeached; b) she might prevent Trump from winning re-election; c) she herself might be diva ex machina at the DNC convention and go on to win the presidency.

All credibility lost: the official biographer for the "British royal family" clearly states that "soliciting sex from a minor is not pedophilia." Link here. Pretty sick. All credibility lost. She is not a biographer; she is a spinmeister. LOL.

In case you missed it, the general election is scheduled for December 22, 2019:


  1. In a lot of states, the age of consent is 16. And was traditionally younger when the country was younger. I think it's silly to call having sex with a teenager "pedophilia". Or to call "statch rape" rape.

    There's a huge difference in ick factor in sexual relations before/after puberty. The former is bizarre. The latter is natural (literally). How the animals do it--how mankind has done it for most of its history.

    1. I would love to weigh in on this but it would be a lose-lose for me. I'm on thin ice as it is with some of my posts on the Bakken so best to leave this one alone. But thank you for taking time to write. Be careful. LOL.


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