
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Waste Water Recycling -- Williston, ND -- October 23, 2019

Waste water recycling, link here, posted by a familiar name:


  1. GI-223 is bringing up Helium in North Dakota. They bring out the correlation between nitrogen in gas and presence of helium. Then if you read the new Tyler reports ther is some indication of nitrogen present in the gas. My guess is they are. Beginning to push the narrative for value added aspects of the Tyler. Helium is now considered an essential component of defense.

    I think the legislator should cut extraction taxes even more (net) and use a percentage of the fund to push value added research for all minerals in North Dakota. Our most difficult part of competition is we are more land bound than other fields. We must prime the pump every day to create markets with value if we really want to see what the basin is capable of producing.

    Have a good week.

    1. Thank you. Great note. The helium story is an incredibly important story, and so off the radar scope no one knows about it. The folks in Boston, MA, know about it because the shortage of helium is putting a dent in their party balloons. Seriously. Helium is a critical component in the health sector --- helium is absolutely vital for MRI scanners -- those gigantic magnets that are used to diagnose knee ligament injuries in NFL players and amateur weekend warriors.


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