
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Projected Number Of Permits To Be Issued For Calendar Year 2019 In North Dakota (99% Bakken): Fifteen Hundred -- October 9, 2019

Re-posting: original post and additional background and comments at this link

2019 Permitting In North Dakota 
99% Bakken 

Projection: Based on the number of permits in each of the following months, the number in bold was the projected number of permits for calendar year 2019 had the rate for the entire year remained the same as that one month. For example, based on the number of permits issued in April, 2019, had that been the "rate" for the entire calendar year (2019), 1,582 permits would be issued for calendar year 2019.

  • January, 2019: 1,495
  • February, 2019: 1,434
  • March, 2019: 1,578
  • April, 2019: 1,582
  • May, 2019: 1,660
  • June, 2019:  1,557
  • July, 2019: 1,671
  • August, 2019: 1,495
  • September, 2019: 1,107 
  • October, 2019: 1,484
  • November, 2019: pending
One can compare the above projections with the actual number of permits issued in North Dakota over the past several years at this site:
  • 2019 (estimate, as of November 16, 2019): 1,466
  • 2017: 1,189
  • 2016: 818 (price of oil tanked due to Saudi opening their spigots)
  • 2015: 2,055
  • 2014: 3,012
  • 2013: 2,671
  • 2012: 2,522
  • 2011: 1,916

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