
Saturday, September 7, 2019

Seriously, Is Anyone Paying Attention? -- September 7, 2019

Seriously, is anyone paying attention?


  1. think the DUCs will be grandfathered in?

    1. LOL.

      But seriously, I am truly depressed how irresponsible these people are. They will do anything, even if it means destroying America, to get elected.

  2. if i owned a DUC right now, i would "keep it in the ground" not as part of any climate plan, but because i believe the price of oil and natural gas will be much higher in the future...if the price of oil doubles in 5 years, those who've kept it in the ground will have earned a compounded 15% return on their's like money in the bank; how else can you make that kind of interest?

    if natural gas goes to $10, new york's fracking ban will end up looking very smart...

    1. Agree 1,000%. I've alluded to that on the blog -- or at least I think I have -- I've certainly mentioned it to others in e-mail -- that "storing" oil in the ground makes a lot of sense. Same thing as farmers storing their grain in silos / grain elevators waiting for the right price.


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