
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Gasoline Demand -- September 11, 2019

Gasoline demand: full table. In August, 2017: 302,303 bbls. Over 30 days = 9,752 bpd.

This past month, look at this:

Perhaps a reader will find a data point when the US averaged 10 million bbls of gasoline/day for a week but I haven't found it yet, but I'm still looking. But look how close we got a couple of weeks ago: 9.9 million bpd.

Gasoline production: "we've" hit 10.6 million bpd many times over the past several years, so the next gasoline production will be 11 million bpd, which should happen sooner than later.

The big question: will we hit 10 million bpd demand before the year is out?

1 comment:

  1. when i heard that that there was a mandatory evacuation for south carolina, and saw both sides of the freeway full of cars heading away from the coast, i figured gasoline demand would be increasing. i don't know, though...a lot was in play there...


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