
Thursday, September 5, 2019

EV Sales Data -- August, 2019

Spreadsheet is starting to fill in.

Link here.

Note: the site says there are problems with accessing the site. It took longer than usual for the spreadsheet to download.

Tesla deliveries are estimates.

Bellwether - Tesla:
  • Model 3: from 21,00 in June, to 13,450 in July, and now, 13,150 in August (we've talked about this before -- either Tesla no longer has a waiting list, or Tesla logistics is really, really screwed up)
  • Model X: from 2,725 in June (at that rate, only a small niche), down to 1,825 in August
  • Model S, the inexpensive model: from 1,750 in June, to 1,050 in August
And remember, from yesterday, August was a huge month for automotive companies. Perhaps one of the best months since 2014, or thereabouts.

So, who else is selling EVs?
  • the hybrid, Toyota Prius Prime, down from 2,950 last month to 2,500 in August -- again, one of the hottest car sales months in years, and Prius Prime shows a sales decline
Nissan Leaf: runs about 1,200 units / month when things are going well

BMW i8: 90 units in August, 2019 which pretty much tells me all I need to know about the luxury EV market.

And with that, off the internet for awhile. This is like watching paint dry. Good luck to all. 

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