
Thursday, August 15, 2019

Notes From All Over -- Alaska, Norway, London -- August 16, 2019

Alaska: well, this is not good news. Any time a project is delayed for ten years, for all intents and purposes, that project is D.E.A.D. I was wondering why everyone was honking their car horns in celebration in downtown Houston today. [Later: I stand corrected; see first comment. It's only delayed four years, and with FID it's almost "guaranteed" to happen.]

Norway: it's mostly the rich that own EVs in Norway; of course, most Norwegians are rich, too. Link at Bloomberg (paywall but headline says it all) (must be a really, really slow news day):

London, definition of insanity: so let's put up more offshore wind turbines (another paywall, this time at The Financial Times, but tweet says it all). Link to this post on the "The 2019 Great London Array Failure" for background to this story, which by the way, was the top international energy story for last week.


  1. It's a 4 year delay, not a 10 year delay. The tweet says 4 years, not 10.

    The construction itself takes 5-6 years. That hasn't been started yet, so not part of the delay. (Also once construction started, FID, almost always finishes.)


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