
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Sacred Souls -- August 22, 2019

From a Seattle, WA, dispatch dated August 22, 2019:
In all, the city spends $1 billion a year fighting homelessness.
That's $100,000 for every homeless man, woman and child in King County and yet the needle has mostly been moving in the wrong direction. Residents say there is a deep disconnect between them and those in charge and say elected officials are tone-deaf and offer up simple solutions to a complex problem.
I thought that was a new story but it turns out that it was first reported in the Puget Sound BizJournal, November 16, 2017.

So this has been going on at least since 2017 -- $100,000 / year / homeless man, woman, and child.

At least Seattle can afford it. Good for them.

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