
Sunday, August 4, 2019

Pop Quiz -- Produced Water To Oil Ratio (PWOR) -- August 4, 2019

Question: conventional wells or unconventional wells -- which have a higher ratio of produced water, conventional wells or unconventional wells? What is the ratio of produced water-to-oil in conventional wells compared to that of unconventional wells? [PWOR = produced water-to-oil water.]

The answer will be posted later.

So Woke

This would be so cool to see at the new Williston airport. Obviously if not enough dedicated terminals, one or two terminals (or as many as needed) could be designated for "Oil Workers."


  1. Unconventional. Huge amount of water/sand sent down the hole has to come back as flowback. Is that called production water.

    1. I will post the answer tomorrow. Have to give readers overnight a chance to weigh in.

  2. It's usually called flowback, not produced water, when the well is just cleaning up. But (I speculate) if you look at ND reporting, there is no differentiation. (And how would you.)

    I have also heard that many shale wells never recover all the water put down them during fracking. IOW, the rocks absorb some of it and it never comes back.


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