
Monday, August 26, 2019

Notes From All Over, Part 1 -- August 26, 2019

No oil for you! Taking a page from either Trump's playbook or Seinfeld's soup episode comes this from AMLO:
"No oil for you!"
From Reuters: AMLO says no new oil contracts for oil companies who are not producing oil from their current contracts in Mexico.

Another politician who thinks he understands the oil industry.

About the same as President Obama killing the Keystone XL, telling Americans we can't drill our way to lower prices, and, of course, we now have crazy Bernie who says the US needs to nationalize the $16-trillion US oil industry, making it one big TVA. I can't make this up.

I guess that's why no one in Washington is really worried about the national debt: nationalization of the US oil industry will solve that problem. 

Lily Tomlin, paraphrasing: "No matter how cynical I get, I can't keep up. (More here: I particularly like: "If love is the answer, could you please re-phrase the question.")

By the way, that call by crazy Bernie to nationalize the US oil industry is nothing new. Articles abound.

By the way, on another note, if the Keystone XL ever does get built and the heavy oil flows to the US gulf coast, there will be a surge in US oil refining the likes of which we have never seen. With or without the Keystone XL, however, my hunch is that we are going to be surprised by how much things will have changed ten years from now, and my hunch is that much of that change will be driven by Saudi Aramco. That non sequitur comes from reading several articles this morning, too many of which to link.

The tea leaves suggest the "makers and shakers" in the oil industry are putting things together now that will culminate in 2025 or thereabouts.

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