
Monday, August 12, 2019

Notes From All Over, Part 1 -- August 12, 2019

TCM: summer under the stars. The 24-hour period that ended earlier this morning featured Humphey Bogart. The 24-hour period today, tonight, and through tomorrow morning features .... Ann Sothern.

Now, why would I mention that?

Although she grew up in Minneapolis, MN, she was born in ... Valley City, ND.

Fake news fact-checked, from Rigzone staff.
Energy research firm Rystad Energy recently refuted speculations that the Permian’s well performance was declining. In fact, fracking operations in the Permian continue to break records.
Comment: so there. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
I can't make this up: Saudi Aramco will launch its IPO, go public, list. Apparently they announced that over the weekend. One small catch: only one shareholder: the company itself. No link. I'm sure you can find the story if you want. I can hardly wait for the 3Q19 earnings conference call "Q&A"  -- the one shareholder present will be the only one allowed to ask questions. Analysts will be told to pound sand. LOL.

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