
Friday, August 23, 2019

Bruin Reports A Huge Well In Tyrone Oil Field North Of Williston -- August 23, 2019

I am convinced that the qualify of the Bakken wells are determined by the following:
  • location
  • location
  • location
  • fracking completion strategy
  • operator
  • geologist consulting service
This supports my thesis.

I've never considered the Tyrone oil field all that great. Located north of Williston it seems to be a bit hit-or-miss. But look at this, a Bruin well:
  • 36127, 3,537, Bruin, Borrud 156-101-1B-12-3H, 60 stages; 16 million lbs, Tryone, t719; cum --; the pay zone was 16' - 26' below the top of the middle Bakken; gas ranged as high as 3,102 units in the lateral;
I need to update the Tyrone oil field, but of the wells whose results I have posted for the Tyrone oil field, the IP for this well holds the record.

Later: I updated the data at the Tyrone oil field. There is a well with a bigger IP than the one above:
  • 29539, 4,635, Bruin/HRC, Borrud 156-101-1B-12-2H, Tyrone, t7/19; cum --;
The Borrud wells are turning out to be great wells. It looks like this area might be a better Three Forks area than a middle Bakken play.

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