
Saturday, July 20, 2019

Tesla Selling Point: Re-Sale Value -- July 20, 2019

I could be wrong but I thought re-sale value was a huge selling point for Tesla.

The "official lowest" price for a Tesla Model 3 was $49,000 last summer (2018), multiple sources including this one.

July 20, 2019, from multiples sources, this via google: "prices for a Tesla Model 3 start at $35,000 before incentives."

So, before we even begin haggling, your Tesla that cost you $49,000 last year is now worth $35,000 (before incentives).

One word: ouch.


ISO New England:
  • 61% natural gas
  • 17% nuclear energy; maxed out at 3.3 GW
  • 6% oil  -- wow
  • 2% coal -- wow
But look at this, from NYC:
  • Long Island, Occasional-Cortex' backyard: $220
  • West of the city, West-A: $112
  • NYC-UJ: $73

$220 vs coal at $15? Long Island-K out to save the world. Can you imagine how much this would cost a high energy user like Amazon? Wow.  Occasional-Cortex saved Amazon from a debacle of Biblical magnitude.

Wow, wow, wow.

The utilities warned them.

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