
Sunday, July 7, 2019

ND Oil Production To Surge -- Lynn Helms -- July 7, 2019

From Geoff Simon this week:
North Dakota crude oil production remained steady in the month of April, and the state's top oil regulator says that will likely continue until additional natural gas processing infrastructure comes on line later this year.

Lynn Helms, director of the Department of Mineral Resources, said even though oil numbers are steady, natural gas production continues to grow, challenging producers to build facilities to capture and process all the gas. Helms said a lot of construction is happening this summer and fall, which he expects will allow the state's producers to get back into compliance with the North Dakota's 88% gas capture target.

Helms said once the natural gas processing infrastructure is in place, he expects the state will see a surge in oil production, pushing it close to the country of Norway, which produces more than 1.6 million barrels per day.

If North Dakota was a country, it would currently rank 17th in the world in production.
At the start of the boom, Bentek suggested the Bakken could/would/should produce 2.2 million bopd.

Later, see comments below. I had not visited "Peak Oil Barrel" in a long, long time. From the linked article in the comments below:

North Dakota is on an 8-month plateau. No one expected this. Does this mean North Dakota has peaked? There is little doubt that Eagle Ford has peaked. Will North Dakota be the second major shale basin to peak? That was through April, 2019.

Good, bad, or indifferent, it was mentioned years ago that after the "boom," the Bakken would move into the "manufacturing" stage.


  1. The commenters at PeakOilBarrel (one of the successor sites to The Oil Drum) are already speculating that the Bakken is over.

    It seems like every winter slowdown draws them like a moth to a flame. No memory of all their previous mistaken negative predictions. No comprehension of how winter affects ND.

    1. How coincidental.I was just going to talk about that. I was interrupted; family commitments. Will come back to this later.


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